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What's the difference??

Ann Riesberg

How is sports massage is different from regular massage?

Because we do entirely different work at Active Edge than most massage therapy businesses, one of the most regular questions that we get is ‘How is sports massage different?’ We LOVE getting that question, and love helping people understand the difference!

Regular massage is also known as spa massage or swedish massage. It’s primary focus is on relaxing, which isn’t a bad thing! Therapists are trained at a general level, and techniques are generic and routine. Swedish massage is provided at franchise locations (Massage Envy, Massage Heights, etc.), spas, salons, cruise ships, resorts, and more.

Sports massage is massage as it relates to sports medical setting. Sports massage is highly specific: whether it is timing, outcome, or technique, there is nothing generic about sports massage therapy. Sports massage therapists are trained at the highest level of anatomy and physiology, and understand common soft-tissue sports medical conditions and how to treat them with massage. Sports massage therapy is provided within clinical settings, including gyms, fitness centers, physical therapy clinics, medical clinics, and even hospital systems.

One thing that is very important to note that is one isn’t better or worse than the other: they are simply different! If you prefer spa massage, we know some AWESOME spa therapists who we can recommend! If you are wondering whether sports massage can help you with your athletic performance OR healthcare routine, give us a call! We would love to answer any questions you may have, , our clinic number is 515-412-0073!

Here to serve,

The Team at Active Edge

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